My wish list...

To experience

See Vienna Teng play live August 2010

Drink bubble tea

Eat sushi

Find a flint arrowhead

Take part in a Japanese tea ceremony

Feel an earthquake 27.02.10, Chile

Have a bath while the shower's going - so I can pretend I'm having a bath outside in the rain 24.07.10

Listen to the shipping forecast on a stormy night December 2013, gale force winds and a power cut

Visit a ghost tube station (not just see one from the train) Aldwych 26.11.11

Go right round the Circle Line

Run up a down-escalator Alberquerque airport!

Slice open a watermelon as big as my torso with a machete and have a watermelon party 2014.07.30

Drive one of those huge trucks or earth moving machinery

Catch a firefly in a jam-jar

See the Space Station pass overhead

Go to a real ceilidh 14.04.2010

Have a paper plane throwing competition 09.07.2013

Have a massage


Have a wild animal sit on me (something like a meerkat, or a koala using me as a tree)

Ride a Vespa scooter

Tame a wild creature

Swing on a swing hung from a tree branch in a peaceful wood or meadow

Have a big bonfire of old school/uni notes 27.11.2010

Cook damper on a campfire again

Abseil 14.11.2016 Canyoning in the Azores, abseiled down 10m and 20m waterfalls

Walk over a rope bridge across a ravine 23.04.2016 Iya Valley vine bridge, Shikoku, Japan

Volunteer on an archeological dig

Photocopy my bum

Find a four leaf clover May 2013

Get rickrolled

Sleep in a tent when it's snowing outside

Bob for apples on Hallowe'en 31.10.2012

Exchange mix-tapes (I'm counting mix CDs)

Eat jello salad

Be weightless for a moment

Take part in a flash mob 13.10.2012 ATS flash mob in London,

Try s'mores

Paddle in the sea when it is snowing

Attend a kite-flying festival

Read a Mills & Boon novel

Smash up an old computer/TV or other big thing with a sledgehammer

Be an extra in a low-budget zombie movie

Touch the stones of Stonehenge

Be a life model for a stranger or an art class

Install Linux

Eat a potato chip sandwich

Eat a PBJ May 2013, not that nice...

Get on the bus to World's End and see where it goes 16.06.10

Correct a grocer's apostrophe on a public sign 2017.04.15, Seashells Tearoom, Starcross (Teas and Cakes, not Tea's and Cake's!)

Shower under a waterfall 20.10.2013 Kuang Si Falls, Laos

Sleep under the stars

Extract my DNA

Rub someone's beard (like in the Hera video)

Say "Leeloo Dallas Multipass!" when I show someone my entry card

Swing fire poi

Have a wall that I can paint anything I like on and make the most of it

Live without electricity or modern inventions for a week

Milk an animal

Spend a night in a treehouse

See a cloud that really truly looks like something else 11.07.12 Seal in the sky!

Go up in a microlight and take the controls

Have a fish pedicure from Garra Rufa fish

Wake up in the night and go out alone for a walk rather than go back to sleep

Sleep on the roof 19.07.2013 at Mum's

Build and sleep in a blanket fort December 2011

Go wild swimming June 2014 (Buckstones Jum and Grasmere in the Lakes, also Llyn Idwal in Snowdonia, a pool in Laos, the River Kwai and a billabong in Australia)

Drink rainwater

Edit wikipedia February 2011

Go ice skating on a frozen river or lake

Ride a segway 16.09.2013 Wheeeeee!

Write a personal mission statement December 2011, "Make life an adventure"

Sleep in a hammock 13.07.2013 in mum's garden with Nick and Tim

Say thank you to someone who fought in one of the World Wars

Spend a whole day barefoot (when I have to go outside, to work, etc) 16.04.2013 Walked 7km through London to work and went home on the tube

Spend a whole day outside (not going in for anything)

Spend a whole day without clothes

Go rock climbing

Find and photograph hearts in the world

Puddle stomp in wellies

Ask 20 people to recommend books and read them all

Sleep in a teepee or yurt

Sleep in a lighthouse

Have a sauna and jump in the snow afterwards February 2014, Kiruna, Sweden

Have my picture painted

Camp on a beach

Swim with dolphins 2015.05.16 Swam out with Nick and a whole pod of dolphins came to swim round us

Ride a camel

Ride an elephant 22.10.2013 Laos, 23.10.2013 Laos and 24.11.2013 Thailand

See a ballet

See an opera 28.05.12 Madame Butterfly at the ENO, it was incredible!

Do the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge

Do the Three Peaks Challenge

Fly a paper plane off a really tall building

Pinpoint with the naked eye the patches of sky where my quasars are

See a play set in a real Greek or Roman amphitheatre

Swim in the rain June 2011

See the Domesday book

Attend a masked ball

Chase a thunderstorm

Run a 5km race in less than 30 minutes 09.07.11, Hampstead Heath Parkrun, 27 minutes 35 seconds

Do a sprint-distance triathlon

See a laser guide star working

Go to a 24-hour supermarket in the early hours wearing PJs

Sleep in a tree tent

Visit a vibrant night market

Pick tea leaves and have a cuppa

Make chocolate from raw cocoa beans 2014.10.21 with Nick, and it tasted surprisingly nice!

Camp out of top of a mountain and see the sunset and sunrise

Break the ice and go for a swim 2017.01.30 in the wilderness north of Kurravaara in Arctic Sweden, with Nick. We had to saw through 0.5m ice, the air temperature was -6C and the water about 1C.

Ride a bike or run into a big flock of birds

Go for a ride in a sea tractor

Walk a long-distance trail (at least a month)

Tap maple syrup

Try dragon boating

Twirl around in a sunflower field

Do something to help save an endangered species

Swim in a bog

Forge meteorite

TP something

Go up a tall tree

Swim under a full moon

Have a microadventure (go out on an adventure straight after work and return to work the next morning without having gone home)

With friends or family

Have a midnight picnic

Have an old-fashioned tea party

Enter the Rother Raft Race (or some other raft race) - obviously dressed as Daisy of the Eels

Go through a car wash 30.12.2010

Have a barbeque on the beach at night, like I remember from being a kid

Nightswimming (I've been swimming at night and skinny dipping outside, but never both at once)

See a tv marathon of some show Spaced marathon with Tim, Pete and Matt

Toast marshmallows over a campfire September 2009, with Hyejeon

Hide from someone I don't want to see in a busy public place like a supermarket

Go disco bowling/roller skating 18.07.2013, with Tim, Matt and Nick

Sing karaoke February 2013

Build an awesome treehouse

Build and play with a Calvin-and-Hobbes-style go-kart

Finish a cheesy choreography and teach it to someone else, so we can make fools of ourselves together

Have a proper office chair battle May 2009

Send, receive or be a gorilla-gram

Go swimming in the sea on Christmas Day, complete with Santa hat or reindeer antlers 25.12.2014 with Mum at Durdle Door

Watch some Star Trek, probably "Wrath of Khan"

Play Calvinball 2014.08.02 with Nick and Tim

Ride a tandem

Teach a kid how to blow dandelion clocks, whistle on grass blades, make daisy chains, pop fuchsia buds and make catapults from plantains

Teach someone to high five

Go in a hot air balloon

Be brought frozen yoghurt and dance in a laundromat

Be serenaded or serenade someone

Be boombox serenaded or boombox serenade someone

Play spin-the-bottle

Play Truth or Dare

Go to a drive-in movie

Mud-or jelly-wrestling

Have a mud bath

Make out in the backseat of a bus or in the back of a cinema Both on the same day, 31st October 2011 seeing Ghostbusters with Nick

Play Katamari Damacy 08.03.10

Have a food fight

Have a spontaneous finger-gun battle involving at least three people


Do a Chinese fire-drill with at least four people

Hold a baby 2013.12.01 Nibling Sophie

Create a new tradition

Make a coke and mentos fountain 2014.11.27

Wear someone else's clothes right down to the skin

Send someone a home-made valentines card 2018.02.12

Play hide and seek as a grown-up January 2013, at Elton House in Bath with Pete, Matt and Tim

Attend a festival EMF, 31.08.12 - 02.09.12

Use a cheesy chat-up line on someone

Catch some food in my mouth 30.11.2012

Be part of a big, spontaneous group hug

Hold a big themed party

Give Tim a dinosaur-themed birthday party

Go on a treasure hunt

Hold a Midsummer Night's Dream party in a forest

Lie on a car next to an airport and get buzzed by the planes, like in Wayne's World

Try sea kayaking October 2013, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

Go to an open air cinema August 2011, Somerset House

Sit out singing with a group of friends at dusk or nighttime, preferably with a guitar

Order a pizza to a remote and unlikely location

See the Thames barrier closed during the yearly test with Tim 09.10.11 with Tim and Nick

Go on a barge holiday, maybe along the Kennet and Avon canal

Have a picnic breakfast 27.06.2013

Eat at a dessert-only restaurant

Join someone's freckles up with a marker pen March 2013, Nick was very patient

Do something as spontaneous as suddenly deciding to go abroad and leaving that day

Put a padlock on the Pont Des Artes in Paris 13.01.2013 with Nick

Go to a bed showroom and try out the beds by cuddling on them January 2014 with Nick

Go on a full moon hike

To create

Write a book

Paint a picture on a canvas (I have one in mind, but don't know whether it'll work)

Write the cute C program I've been planning for ages

Have a scientific paper published Finally published January 2010

Make a jumper or other useful garment from scratch

Make 1000 origami cranes

Graffiti something (responsibly - something as artistic and non-controversial as possible, on an ugly bit of modern public property)

Make a short video "A girl for all seasons", January-February 2010, won an award April 2010

Plant a veggie garden

Plant as many trees as possible

Grow a sunflower as tall as me

Make lemonade

Sew a patchwork quilt

Make my own prayer flags

Make a gingerbread house December 2010

Make my mark in wet cement August 2011

Make and eat nettle soup 01.05.10

Take photos of a tree over a year and make into a video

Be involved in a small drama production, either as a techie, or as an actor (I fancy playing Yitzhak from Hedwig)

Write a song

Make a bento box 28.01.11 The Little Prince

Make a mobile

Make an elaborate pancake (eg. tiger-shaped) 21.02.2012

Make pizza in a homemade pizza oven 27.08.2013 Took 13 months, slowest fast food ever

Make and use a pinhole camera March 2014

Try a polaroid camera

Use and develop 35mm film in a darkroom

Carve a wooden fish windcock like Alpha's from Yokahama Kaidashi Kikou

Make a kite and fly it

Make floating lanterns and hold a ceremony

Create an alphabet from photographs of objects which look like letters

Grow woad and dye wool with it

Make a rock balance sculpture Pololu Beach, Hawai'i, May 2011

Make paper 2014.05.27

Make and release floating walnut shell candles

Try making a dorodango (polished ball of mud)

Make the Super Epic Rainbow cake, or rainbow cupcakes 07.02.11 Super Epic Dark Side of the Rainbow Cake

Create an altered book

Knit an Afghan throw or blanket

Recreate exactly a photo of me as a kid

Make fortune cookies

Embroider a map

Make my own Yoda PJs

Make a windchime

Make a map of found objects tied to a piece of string in the order they were found

Make my own poi

Knit graffiti (yarnbomb)

Eat something I've grown myself from seed

Build a coracle and row it across a river/lake

Build a cabin

Take pictures in space with a balloon camera

Climb a tree and take a photo of the view

Enter a photography competition

Plant a secret garden

Create my own font

Build a Rube Goldberg machine

Try playing the theramin

To learn

Tribal belly dance

Poi spinning

More about Philosophy


How to make one or two cool origami things, including a paper tiger, stars, lotus, frog

To sing enough in tune that I don't make myself cringe (others will have to take their chances)

How to say the most important ten or so phrases in lots of different languages

A little bit of ballroom dancing

A bit of Charleston

How to leapfrog

To read the clouds

How to tell stories well

To make fire with only a flint and steel or a fire drill

The positions of some of the major stars/galaxies like people always expect from an astronomer

Crochet, or maybe fancier knitting that the absolute basic stitch

About the "seven stories" which are repeated again and again

To juggle with three balls

To skim stones (first stone skimmed January 2012)

To weld


Morse code

How to wiggle all my toes individually

How to mount and dismount a bicycle in that elegant way that old ladies do

How to understand the phonetic alphabet

To play the ukulele (I'll count this as done when I can play Moon River, though now I also want to learn Mele Kelikimaka, Norwegian Wood, Idioteque and Blue Caravan)

How to solve a rubik's cube

How to whistle on my fingers

Chop wood with an axe March 2011

Learn to identify the common British trees

Learn and perform a traditional dance (in costume) from each continent

Learn at least three poems by heart April 2014 (Jabberwocky by Lewis Caroll, Sea Fever by John Masefield and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost)

Learn to write with my left hand

Learn to sail a small sailing boat solo

How to drum (hand drumming)

The NATO phonetic alphabet November 2010

The Greek alphabet January 2014

Star navigation

Learn to cartwheel

Learn to play a few songs on the piano (Omoide wa Tooku no Hibi by Tenmon, relearn Watermark by Enya)

Learn Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights dance and do it on the Yorkshire Moors in a floaty dress

Learn a well-known choreography (eg. Thriller, or Garth's "Foxy" dance)

Learn to jive

Learn another language properly

Miscellaneous travel goals

Visit every continent in the world (Just Antarctica left now)

Make an ocean voyage in a sailing ship

Swim in every ocean (Atlantic and Pacific only so far, need Indian, Arctic and Antarctic)

Go on a camping trip in a two-person Canadian canoe or kayak

Hitch a lift on an airport golf cart

Help to build and then sleep inside an igloo 2017.02.04 with Nick, near Kiruna in Arctic Sweden. It was technically a quinzee, and I called it the Igelkottage.

Straddle the equator

Be so far out at sea that no land is visible

Travel on a cargo ship across an ocean

Trek through a huge wood/rainforest

Visit a concentration camp (possibly Auschwitz)

Walk through a ghost town 07.04.12 Imber on Salisbury Plain, 19.05.12 Tyneham on the Dorset Coast

Visit one country for every year I'm alive (My 39th country Latvia visited 2018.03.04, but I intend to maintain this)

Circumnavigate the globe

Walk from the sea to the top of a mountain in a day

Be North of the Arctic Circle 4-10.02.2014, Kiruna, Sweden

Stay on an island alone or with someone special

Throw boiling water in the air and have it explode (needs to be somewhere very cold)!

Visit somewhere with my name, such as Bad Ems in Germany

Hear singing sand

Kayaking at night

Live long enough in a country with wet and dry seasons to see them change

Cross a whole country on foot or by bike

Places I want to visit in the UK

Goonhilly, before it closes

Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh 01.07.12 Wow! Sunset from Arthur's Seat, incredible.

Kilmartin Glen in Scotland

The Orkney Islands (including Skara Brae) 7-14.09.2016 with Mum

The Giant's Causeway (Northern Ireland) and Fingal's Cave (Scotland)

Climb Snowdon (I've already climbed Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis)

Walk the Ridgeway 20.06.10 - 25.06.10

Walk Hadrian's Wall

Walk Peddar's Way and the Norfolk Coast Path 17-24.05.2013

Visit Sherwood Forest 04.09.2016 with Mum

Find the Blowing Stone near the Uffington White Horse

Visit Holkham beach in Norfolk May 2013

Lindisfarne 04.07.12 - 07.07.12, Wonderful!

Dungeness 18.08.12

Severn Bore (need to get the timing right)

The Seven Sisters and the White Cliffs of Dover 12.05.12 for Seven Sisters and 30.06.12 for White Cliffs. Both lovely.

Have a bath in Bath 20.01.2013, at dusk with snow on the roofs!

Spend a New Year at a Scottish Hogmanay

Swim through Durdle Door 2014.09.19 with Tim

Things I want to see

A wild tiger

An active volcano Hawaii, November/December 2009

The Aurora Borealis August/September 2011 and February 2014

Stand on a glacier September 2011

Walk in a bamboo forest April and May 2016 in Arashiyama, Japan and also 2013 in Vietnam

A submerged village

The green flash at sunset

Bioluminescent ocean (probably Puerto Rico, go swimming and/or kayaking)

Woods and forests from all over the world (so far... European woodlands, Amazon rainforest, temperate rainforest in the Pacific Northest, Australian bush regrowing after fire, jungle and bamboo forest in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, the old cedar forest of Yakushima, Japan)

A tornado (and hopefully chase it)

Wild penguins

Wild meerkats


Wild otters

Experience the monsoon

See lava close enough to poke it with a stick

A whirlpool

See rain in the desert, and the desert blooming

An iceberg

Giant kelp

Other countries I want to visit

Antarctica - I've wanted to visit Antarctica for ages. I don't really like the idea of tourism in such an unspoilt place, I'd much rather go as part of a scientific expedition and winter there.

Iceland August/September 2011

Germany, to see the remains of the Berlin Wall 25.08.12 - 28.08.12

Sweden, to visit the Island of Ven (which was Danish and called Hven when Tycho Brahe built his observatories there in the 17th century) September 2010


Italy (Venice) 15-18.12.2014 with Nick

Italy (Florence, Rome and Pompeii)

Serbia (Belgrade)

Bosnia, because I've heard the woods there are lovely

France, to see the Carnac Stones

Czech Republic (Prague) 12-14.02.2014 with Nick

Go back to the Netherlands, to see the tulip fields April 2011

Turkey, to see Cappadocia

Go hiking in the Alps and eat strudel

Eat warm raclette cheese in Switzerland or France 12.01.2013

Go to a Christmas market in a European city Bruges, 8-10.12.12

Wear a short dress in a continental city and feel stunning

Cross the Øresund Bridge (Denmark and Sweden)

Go to a Swedish kräftskiva (crayfish party)

Japan, in spring, to see the sakura and the shrines and gardens of Kyoto 10.04.2016-16.05.2016

Climb Mount Fuji, Japan

Vietnam October-November 2013

Cambodia (Angkor Wat) November 2013

Himalayas, to see prayer flags on mountain passes and drink green tea with yak butter (butter tea)


Sri Lanka

Petra, in Jordan

Pagan/Bagan, Burma


The Rift Valley in East Africa

Spend a night in the Sahara Desert

Egypt, to see the pyramids at Giza, Luxor and Abu Simbel

Climb Kilimanjaro if I can cope with the altitude

Safari on the Serengeti (Tanzania/Kenya)

Go on a grand American road trip (Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, petrified forest, etc)

New England in the autumn, to see the leaves turn colour

San Francisco (I will wear a flower in my hair and ride the trolley cars)

Oregon coast (to hunt for glass floats)

Mexico (Chichen Itza) and Guatemala (Tikal)

Niagara Falls (from either side)


Take the mail ferry up the coast of Labrador

California (Yosemite National Park, giant redwoods)

Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho)

Swim in a cenote in Mexico

Hike the West Coast Trail

Costa Rica, for the wildlife

Visit a Canadian sugar shack and have a maple lolly made in the snow

Sing Mele Kalikimaka with a ukulele on Mauna Kea at Xmas wearing a santa hat and bikini and have a snowball fight

New Zealand again, to do a hike

Australia again, to see Uluru and a Big Thing

A tiny South Pacific country, such as Vanuatu

Observatories I'd like to visit

Arecibo Observatory, in Puerto Rico

VLA, New Mexico

Parkes, Australia

The telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii

A shuttle launch

Stand in the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank

...and would it be too much to ask to visit the Moon? Or just to see the Earth from space...

Last modified: 2018.04.14